i am become questionnaire
Hey it's been a minute since I posted a blog. Don't worry I haven't been in a coma for the last month, I've actually been doing some housekeeping: organizing my goals, setting up a routine with a physical planner, getting back into working out, stuff like that. I definitely want to write about it later in August when I have more to show for it. For now though, I'm just gonna do something fun.
This cute questionnaire has been making the rounds and I decided to give a crack at this 100-question behemoth. If this seems like a fun thing to do, I'd highly encourage you to try it yourself! I love reading peoples results to this kinda stuff because I'm a nosy rat, so if you're interested at all, here's the link to the original questionnaire by burypink.
With that said, enjoy my answers and I'll catch you later. Stay tuned for more!
- time and date u started this?
- Wed, 07 August 2024 @ 2 AM
- asl?
- opinions on musicals?
- I am a total sucker for musicals, like the big broadway type ones. My itch for listening to musical
soundtracks come and go but last time I was listening to a lot of The Producers, Disney's
Hunchback of Notre Dame, and Waitress.
- favorite snack?
- Popcorn. The saltier the better!
- have u ever been in love?
- Shakespeare once said,
"Love's not Time's fool, though rosy
lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come;
Love alters not with his brief
hours and week,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me
I never writ, nor no man ever loved."
idk i wanted to have deep answer, uh
yes I have.
- favorite pokemon?
- mario kart main?
- tf2 main?
- do you laugh at youtube poops?
- Of course I do od I esruoc fO Of
course I- SuS I- course- of- DINNER!
- are you listening to music right now?
- favorite shape?
- Square. I love sharp angles and blocky character designs.
- do you believe in astrology?
- do you believe in the occult?
- No, but once again I think it's cool.
- opinions on vocaloid?
- I'm not personally invested in it, but I've heard a few songs I liked. Hatsune Miku is a very
wholesome character and I'm glad vocaloid exists.
- would you ever want to be a rockstar?
- I don't wanna be mega famous, I feel like that'd chip away at my soul or something. Underground
would be cool though.
- do you easily get stressed?
- Yes, I get anxious and overwhelmed a lot. I'm working on it.
- what is/was your favorite class in high school?
- My favorite class was English class. I loved me a Socratic seminar.
- what pokemon type would you be? dual types are allowed lol
- Fighting Electric
- rei or asuka?
- Neither. Misato.

- favorite html tag?
- are you religious?
- No. I default to just saying I'm agnostic because I don't feel strongly about it.
- opinions on nightcore?
- did you go through any major phase? (emo, goth, weeaboo, etc)
- I had an ironic weeaboo phase which is worse than even being a regular weeaboo. Went on r/animemes
and made my own anime memes I showed off at school. I thought that jokes about anime boobs and
saying "2D girls > 3D girls" was the height of comedy. Made a lot of self-deprecating jokes about
not having a girlfriend. Watched Pewdiepie. Bad time. Glad it's over.
- are you good at drawing?
- Not good enough where I feel comfortable calling myself an artist. At least fine enough to doodle
for fun. Trying to improve.

- do you crack your joints?
- God no. It gives me the heebie jeebies.
- do you read visual novels?
- Tried to but I'm too impatient. At least with regular books you can read at your own pace. With
visual novels you gotta watch the text scrooooooooll. I respect the medium though, maybe one day
I'll finish one longer than 1 hour.
- can you sew?
- can you cook?
- I can cook basic, bland food which is fine because I'm autistic and only like basic, bland food.
- most expensive thing you've bought?
- opinions on cosplay?
- When I get more disposable income, I'd like to do this. Here are some characters I'd like to cosplay
one day. (Click for original links to cosplays)

- what's your most hated band/musician?
- Moving to the US South has made me despise Zac Brown Band and any country band that sings about beer
and bbq or whatever, sorry.
- are you a dramatic person?
- Me, dramatic? Psshh. Me? Phahh? Dramatic? Me? i dunno.
- what emoticon do you use most?
- online: ( ̄  ̄|||)
- when texting: skull emoji
- can a miracle certainly occur?
- would you let a vampire suck ur blood?
- There are a lot of factors to consider here. Will I turn into one? Is the vampire
carrying diseases? Is the vampire hot? It's a nuanced issue I can't do justice right now.
- do you have a celebrity crush?
- Emma Stone, respectfully.
- do you like snow?
- Yes, and I dearly miss it.
- were you really into greek mythology as a kid?
- Yeah, I think every nerdy kid had a Greek mythology phase as a kid. Shoutout to Poptropica and the Magic: The Gathering Theros set
- what are some things you could competently deliver a speech on?
- are you good at spelling?
- which touhou wud u fuk?
- do you think there's going to be a robot takeover?
- No, I don't think robots are gonna come alive and kill us all. I think it's more realistic the ruling class replace more and more jobs with technology. The technology doesn't have to do the job better per se, as quality does not matter in a purely profit-based society. As long as its cheaper, they won't care who gets displaced. The rich will get richer as workers fight over the remaining scraps of capital. Hope I'm wrong tho :)
- would you be an angel or devil?
- i'm down with being an angel as long as its not one of those creepy biblically accurate ones
- sine, cosine, or tangent?
- do you like licorice?
- whats one thing you cant stand that everyone else loves?
- Meat. To be honest it's not out of any moral position, I just find it kinda gross.
- what books did you like as a kid?
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series shaped my sense of humor and love of high-concept sci fi!
- can you play any instruments?
- Tried to learn the piano many times but it never stuck. Maybe one day i'll go back to it.
- what song would you want to play at your wedding?
- do you believe in reincarnation?
- Would be cool, but i don't strongly believe in any afterlife
- finish the sentence: I'm just a guy who ______
- have you been to another continent?
- whats your worst habit?
- procrastination by far (¬_¬;)
- favorite vegetable?
- whats something stupid that scared the shit outta you as a kid?
- whats one of your guilty pleasures?

This stupid game purely out of nostalgia i think
- would you rather be a ghost or a vampire?
- Ghost. I don't wanna suck blood, so unsanitary.
- what do you fear most?
- Ruining my life with a bad decision.
- do you sleep with any plushies?

Sometimes. This is my prized Pochita plushie.
- what hobby do you just not understand?
- Golf. Feels like so exclusionary and boring, sorry.
- do you like the taste of alcohol?
- are you a hopeless romantic?
- I do love a good romance and have my fair share of fantasies, but I don't think I'd label myself that.
- which deadly sin best fits you?
- which of your physical features do you like the most?
- my body hair and beard honestly. i like being a hairy guy.
- are your ears pierced?
- have you ever been in a physical fight?
- where do you buy your clothes?
- thrift shops/garage sales and occasionally the mall if i need something more presentable
- where would you live if you could live anywhere?
- New York City if I had the money to live comfortably
- do believe in magic? or is it all a trick?
- it's all tricks but the tricks are cool
- have you read umineko when they cry? you should!
- i tried, maybe i'll finish it one day
- what is the worst chore to do?
- lawn work. when i move out its gonna be to an apartment or a house with no lawn fr.
- what did your parents almost name you?
- what would you want your name to be if you were not your current gender?
- what were your first words?
- I genuinely don't know. Probably "mama" or "dada" or some cringe baby thing like that lol.
- what do you want your last words to be?
- "My fortune is yours for the taking, but you'll have to find it first... I left everything I own in one piece."
- when did you first regularly start going online?
- Middle school watching Epic Rap Battles of History and Game Theory on YouTube
- what year do you miss the most?
- 2021 or 2022, i get em mixed up. But I feel good about this year too.
- are you psychic?
- You're thinking of the number, 79!
- would you fuck a clone of yourself? you're not allowed to kill yourself.

No, but thanks for reminding me not to kill myself <3
- what do you use to listen to music?
- SoulSeek to download albums
- ncmpcpp + mpd as a music player
- YouTube Music for on the go
- whats the biggest city you've been to?
- favorite animal?
- what web browser do you use?
- Firefox but I'm thinking of looking for an alternative
- are you allergic to kitty cats???????????
- slightly but not enough to stop me from wanting one
- do you like energy drinks?
- no, i just drink water or coffee for energy
- would ever spend money on tf2 unusuals/csgo skins/gacha pulls/etc
- i've bought some cosmetics for games before but never gambled on that obscenely expensive stuff
- when do you usually go to bed?
- i try to sleep at 10 or 11 during the week, but i can't stop myself from pulling all nighters on weekends (like right now)
- how often do you wash your hair?
- every day... am i doing it right?
- would you download a car?

- what was your favorite show as a kid?
- Gravity Falls. As an adult I don't care as much for it, but when I was a kid I thought this was the smartest, coolest show ever. You just had to be there in that moment as a teen obsessed with theory crafting to get the hype.
- whats the silliest hat you own?
- I think I got a detective's fedora somewhere in my closet. I stole it from a high school theatre production. Nothing crazy tho.
- what album/song do you're feeling angsty
- do you make OCs?
- Yes, I'm trying to get good enough at drawing to put them to paper.
- whats the goofiest thing you do when completely alone?
- I'll just pace around my room for over an hour making up stories in my head. Some may call it "maladaptive daydreaming" but I call it "living in the moment without a phone in sight."
- do you like fireworks?
- favorite painter?

Edward Hopper's paintings make me feel unsettled in a good way. They feel empty in a very familiar way.
- favorite numbers?
- what genre of vidya gaems are you really good at? (fps, fightan, danmaku, racing, whatever)
- time and date you finished this?
- holy crap! Friday, August 11 @ 5:30 AM