slackers like me weren't meant to think, really


having a job vs. having no job

So job hunt isn't over but I found a freelancing gig to keep me occupied and paid while I continue to look. Without going into much detail, it's a remote job that involves a lot of proofreading, fact-checking, stuff like that. And, it's one where you set your own hours, which is something that is very hard for me to do unfortunately.

I am very grateful for this opportunity, but the first week was very rough. Part of it is definitely me just being out of work and school for a few months so I have to reacclimate to a consistent schedule again. I hope to fix my sleep schedule this weekend, but I think it might a nutrition thing, because I've just been so drowsy all week.

I think the what doesn't help is that... well there's a reason the job is being outsourced. I'm not gonna say it's the most difficult job ever, but it is painfully monotonous. It's a lot of repetitive tasks that take barely enough brainpower to demand focus, but not stimulating enough to keep me awake. And I think looking at a computer screen for that long per day has definitely had an effect on me.

But, I can't deny it feels nice to be able to say I'm employed again, and see tangible results from my labor. It beats getting another rejection letter after a job interview. I didn't do many hours this week, but hopefully after a refresh this weekend, I can find a routine that lets me make money, get used to a proper work schedule, and still have time to learn hobbies on the side.

I've been drawing more and wanting to code more on my own time, but my brain gets frozen when there's too many options. The fact that I set my own hours for my freelance gig doesn't help. I'm like "I could be working more hours, but I also want to have time to draw, but I also want time to code for my portfolio, but I also want time to code for fun" and I end up getting little done at the end of the day.

I think the comic below by Akira Toriyama definitely sums up how I've been feeling this week.

Regardless, I'll try to get it down next week. I've been given a very lucky chance here with this freelancing gig to save money, and I don't want to let it go to waste. Wish me luck!
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