motivation rising...


Now, I'm motivated

The site is officially out of beta! And, by that I mean with this March update, I feel pretty good about how the base site looks now.

This whole March update started 2 days ago when I was simply updating the playlist for the new month. I saw another cool site (which you should totally check out) do a page featuring all their favorite fighting game characters. I got inspired to do it myself and well... hyperfocus is a blessing and a curse.

I got very little sleep because I was suddenly struck with a bunch of motivation to do a way more stuff for this March update. This spark seemed to come out of nowhere. In fact, a few days before I felt the opposite. The job search and a failed interview had me feeling hopeless and apathetic. But, working on a project I actually cared about reminded me while I liked coding in the first place.

I want to transfer this motivation to other projects, not just this. Now, that I'm done obsessing over this end-of-month update, I'm trying to transfer this energy into other tasks; like learning the Godot game engine and finishing a certification course I enrolled in this week.

And there's so much more I want to do for this site, but I need to spread out my energy.


I understand that these feelings wax and wane. I will get exhausted again very soon, I know; I just sort of fluctuate like that. So, I'm going to try to nail down a routine for my other projects while I'm still in this mindset. Wish me luck with that, and I look forward to doing more both outside and on the website.

Before I go, huge shout out to Federie + Federi! It's a great hub that's featuring a lot of neighboring webpages! In between working on the site, I had a lot of fun finding new sites; I featured a bunch of cool ones on the homepage, so check them out too!

Okay, downside of hyperfocusing is you sometimes forget to respond to your bodily needs. So, I'm gonna go get some food and sleep. 'Til next time!
(_ _ ) Zzz z~ Good night