democracy has failed me once again



The title is no lie. I decided to go vote for the primaries today on my way to the community center's art class and... they didn't give me back my ID after I showed them. And I FORGOT to ask for it back! So now, I have to hope they're there with it tomorrow OR get a duplicate at the DMV!

And you might say, "pyu, isn't that mild trouble worth it to play a part in the democratic- NO. The candidates were all lame, fence-sitting, probably racist, real estate tycoon OLD PEOPLE! So, I did vote but I can't in good conscience say that it was worth a trip to the DMV.


Anyway, just wanted to do a less serious blogpost and update on what I want to do in the future for this site.

Like I mentioned previously, I've been doing art again, so I want to get a gallery page going. I'm going to challenge myself not to delete any art I posts so I can always look back on my progress. That's definitely going to be hard because I cringe at my own art like 5 minutes after I finish it. But, I'll try my best.
( ̄  ̄|||)

I'm also going to do shrines, a page for talking about games I'm playing, and
movie/TV reviews up in the future. Although, I haven't been able to watch much stuff lately due to my current living situation so that's definitely a bit farther out. It's also why my frontpage says I've been watching "Skip and Loafer" for weeks.
( ;¬_¬)

This week, I've got a job interview that's taking up a lot of my attention. I really want to ace it but I'm not going to get my hopes too up. Wish me luck.

By the way, below is the art I worked on in class today (after I lost my ID). Enjoy!